Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Eat Dessert First!

Life is uncertain.  Eat dessert first.  -Ernestine Ulmer

We ate dessert before lunch today.  :)

Friday, March 13, 2015

Colter's 1st Ski Lesson

Colter took his first ski lesson yesterday, up on Red Lodge Mountain.  I am so proud of how brave he was trying something new and kind of scary...he is my child after all.  He made it down two bunny hill runs, and did quite well actually!  He just couldn't get himself to do any more and his instructor was slightly worn out from all the pep talks I think, so we called it a day.  I asked him if he wants to go again sometime and he said "maybe when he's 6."  It went so much better than swimming lessons, we'll call it a win!  :)

Thanks to the lady that offered to take a picture of all of us together, so nice!

He may have been paying too much attention to his mommy cheering him on...and not looking at where he was going. Oops!

I couldn't resist this classic :)